East Williston
Fire Department

About us
Welcome to the Fire Department – Village Of East Williston
On the roads, at your child’s school, or at your doorstep, the East Williston Fire Department is committed to prompt response. We volunteer because your life depends on it. We have a worthwhile mission, a great team, and an honorable tradition traced back to our nations roots. As a result, for over 120 years, the men and women of the EWFD have provided uninterrupted volunteer emergency service without so much as one second of down-time. We band together today, just as others did in 1889, to provide the residents with the most efficient and cost effective fire service possible.
Interested In Joining?
If you are over the age of 17, in good health, and are interested in performing a valuable service to your family, your neighbors, and your community, we invite you to join us. No matter what your occupation or skills, if you are willing to devote some time, we could use your talents. Our current membership reflects all professional walks of life, including: doctors, bankers, carpenters, business owners, students, and NYC firefighters and police officers. Their common bond is a genuine concern for the protection of our community and a willingness to act on that concern.